Lisa Pfeiffer, Paul Carvalho, Anna Abelman, Min-Yang Lee, Alan Haynie
Corinne Bassin, Allen Chen, Rita Curtis, Melanie Harsch, Adam Hayes, Bryce McManus, Doug Lipton, Jordan Watson
The Spatial Economics Toolbox for Fisheries (FishSET) is a set of tools developed as an R package for organizing and visualizing data; developing, improving and disseminating modeling best practices; and simulating policy scenarios to explore the welfare consequences of management decisions.
In R, install the 'devtools' R package, then run the following code (enter a blank line when prompted to update packages):
options (download.file.method = "wininet")
Pfeiffer, L., Carvalho, P., Abelman, A., Lee, MY., & Haynie, A. (2024). FishSET: Spatial Economics Toolbox for Fisheries. R Package Version 1.0.0.