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NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox

Tool: Stock Synthesis (SS3)

GitHub release (latest by date)


R. Methot, C. Wetzel, I. Taylor, N. Schindler, and K. Doering


Stock Synthesis (SS3) is an age- and size-structured assessment model in the class of models termed integrated analysis models. SS3 has a population sub-model that simulates a stock’s growth, movement, and mortality processes; an observation sub-model estimates expected values for various types of data; a statistical sub-model characterizes the data’s goodness of fit and obtains best-fitting parameters with associated variance; and a forecast sub-model projects needed management quantities. SS3 outputs the quantities, with confidence intervals, needed to implement risk-averse fishery control rules. The model is coded in C++ with parameter estimation enabled by automatic differentiation ( Windows, Linux, and iOS versions are available. Output processing and associated tools are in R, and a graphical interface is in QT. The rich feature set in SS3 allows it to be configured for a wide range of situations and it has become the basis for a large fraction of U.S. assessments and many other assessments around the world.


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