Code Documentation

Every software tool requires documentation, and good documentation can make the difference between someone using your code and no one using your code. Moreso, good documentation can greatly reduce the amount of issues/questions you have to answer directly from users, saving the developer time. In general, the more documentation and guidance you can provide via written or online resources, the better. However, at bare minimum, there are three key types of documentation any software should have: code reference, user manuals, and examples. Each of these types of documentation is described below, along with links to resources to simplify and improve documentation creation.

Code reference

Code reference is the type of documentation most people are familiar with. It is also the easiest to create. There is no excuse for providing insufficient code reference! Code reference consists of an article for each function, class or object type (if using an object-oriented language), and dataset in your software package. There is a consistent and expected format for code reference, such that for each article, the author is expected to provide:

  • a brief description of the function/class/dataset
  • a description of all of the function arguments, including what type of object (integer, string, etc.) each argument is, what the argument is named, acceptable values for the argument (if it must match a specific input), and the default value for the argument
  • a description of the object(s) returned from the function
  • an example detailing syntax of how the function is used
  • if you are referencing an object, you should detail the name, state variables, and methods associated with the object

All commonly-used programming languages and some IDEs (integrated development environments) have a way to automatically create code reference. In the R language, for example, the roxygen package (sometimes called from the devtools package) will generate this documentation for you if you add comments in apropriate places in an .R file. Other programming languages use standards such as doxygen (C/C++) or sphinx (Python). It is important you update this automated documentation whenever you make changes to the code that affects the documentation - i.e. changing the inputs or outputs of a function. Updating the documentation (along with running automated tests and conducting code review) should become an automatic part of your process for pushing code changes.

An R example of how to create code reference

In R, the syntax #' denotes comments that will be used to generate documentation. An example of the comments written above an R function to generate this documentation is provided below.

This example is for a helper function that does an assignment of a variable to a list slot. In addition to describing the behavior, the inputs, and the outputs, there are extra tags: @md allows the use of markdown syntax, @export makes this function an exported object of its home package, and @seealso creates links in the documentation to related packages.

    #' Assign environment variables to a list
    #' A function that may be called by `lapply()` to assign all of the variables in the given environment to slots within a list. This
    #' @param X - the name of the variable in `function_env` to assign to the list slot named `X`
    #' @param function_env - the environment in which you want the function to search for the variable named `X`
    #' @param return_list - the list item you want to add the value of `X` to in the slot named `X`
    #' @return the `return_list` with the added elements
    #' @seealso [base::get()]
    #' @export
    #' @md
    assign_values <- function(X, function_env, return_list){
      return_list$X <- get(X, function_env)

Organizing code documentation

By default, sytems that auto-generate code reference will organize them for you according to a standard. The standard way reference is organized groups functions within their respective software packages (in R) or header files (in C). A table that outlines all of the reference articles associated with your software is essential - a user should be able to scan down this list and click on individual functions to read articles pertaining to each function/class. This will usually be generated for you.

Documenting datasets

You may need or want to provide datasets in your software; these are particularly helpful to providing good examples. There are many different ways to document data and we will not exhaustively detail them here. However, we recommend you adhere to standard data formats and provide at least some background information and metadata for each dataset. has common vocabulary that can be used. For NOAA, there is also a Data Management Handbook that includes guidance. If your software is an R package, you should refer to this excellent guidance from Hadley Wickham. You may also want to provide dynamics links to online databases - many APIs allow users to download data in a .JSON format, which can be converted to R dataframes using the jsonlite package.


We also require at least one complete example of how to use software. The requirements to use this example must be installed with the software, so that every user who downloads your software is able to copy and paste the example, click “run”, and expect for it to work. This may require adding a testing dataset to your repository (see details above). Further, the code from your example should be included in your testing package and continuous integration, such that examples are always tested and sure to work whenever changes are merged into the code.

It is the most helpful to provide unit examples in the code reference (for example, with the @example tag in roxygen() comments) and integrated examples somewhere in your Github repository. Integrated examples are not necessary if your software consists of a number of stand-alone functions whose inputs and outputs are not expected to be piped to other functions. However, integrated examples are needed if your users are expected to follow a workflow calling multiple functions, or if they will need to define a class that can then initiate actions. Integrated examples are nicely illustrated in a hybrid code/text format, although they can be adequately explained in comments within a code file. Some formats we recommend include markdown and Jupyter notebooks.

One best practice that is not required includes creating a shared space for examples of your code, including your examples and user-generated ones. You can do this by creating another Github repository within your software organization.

User Manual

The most time- and labor-intensive type of documentation is a user manual. A user manual may be dozens or hundreds of pages long and serves as a comprehensive reference to using your software. The best user manuals include example code syntax, textual descriptions of software functionality, references to inherited or software your code is dependent on, and often equations describing the mathematical equations used within more mathematically complex functions. Creating and writing a user manual can be expected to take several months, a good user manual will usually need to be reviewed by at least one or a few other people, and a user manual will need to be continously updated. However, an effective user manual can link together discrete examples and code reference in an extremely helpful way. Further, many user manuals count towards peer-reviewed or “grey literature” publication titles.

We recommend using markdown or a similar markup language to write your user manual. While some user manuals have been successfully written in LaTeX or Microsoft Word, the amount of code contained in a typical user manual makes such systems inefficient. Further, using a markup language allows you to auto-generate some user manual content. Finally, using a markdown-based syntax (a good example is quarto in R) allows you to easily create webpages from your user manual, which are much easier to browse online as opposed to downloading a large .pdf or .docx file.